Governance - MASTA Travel Health | For All Your Vaccination advice

Quality And Standards

MASTA is dedicated to continuous improvement following feedback from our patients and staff and our regulators. Working within the seven key areas of clinical governance, our aim is to provide the highest standards of care for our patients.

Read our Statement of Purpose

Our Regulators

Our clinics are regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Our Pharmacy clinics are registered and audited by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).

Feedback and Complaints

We always like to know that our customers have received the best advice and support and have been well cared for by our staff. If you feel your visit to our clinics was a particularly positive experience, we would be delighted to hear from you at However if you are unhappy with our facilities or service we want to know as soon as possible. We will investigate the situation so we can explain, apologise and take positive action where necessary.

Read our complaints guide

Corporate Governance

MASTA is part of the Hallo Healthcare Group and has its own leadership team that reports into the Quality and Clinical standards Committee on a monthly basis. In the committee meeting the clinical incidents, complaints, internal and external audits will be reviewed and any actions resulting from auditing will be put in place and monitored for improvement, the minutes and findings of the committee as taken to the Board.

The MASTA governance team meet every quarter, it is chaired by our Medical Consultant, Head of Clinical Standards, National Operations Manager, Regional Operation Managers, and our Specialist Medical team. In the meeting we review any new clinical changes or updates, our clinical performance from audits, incidents, peer reviews, and review any new vaccines, or research.

Data protection: Subject access requests.

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you have the right to access your personal data as you are entitled to be informed of any information MASTA Ltd is processing about you, and subject to certain exemptions and as far as reasonably practical to receive a copy of that information. Such requests to MASTA must be made in writing with the following information:

  1. Full name:
  2. Date of Birth:
  3. Email address:

MASTA is not permitted to disclose any information which identifies another person unless that person agrees or if it is reasonable to override refusal of consent. If you think that the information you want identifies someone else, you may wish to obtain written permission for the release of their information and enclose it with your request.

If you are requesting the personal information of another individual person on their behalf, you will be required to provide us with satisfactory proof that you have the individual’s authority to act on their behalf.

Subject access requests should be emailed to